#100GREEN. Robert Kirchner, authorised representative of Berlin Economics


Презентуємо 7 випуск платформи зеленої трансформації #100green – “Low Carbon Ukraine”.

We present the 7th edition of the #100green green transformation platform – Low Carbon Ukraine.

The guest of the programme is Robert Kirchner, an authorised representative of Berlin Economics since 2007, Deputy Director for Policy Consulting and Project Coordinator in Ukraine at Low Carbon Ukraine.

Together with the co-founder and host of the channel, Dimitri Vasylev, the President of RADA discussed German government policy on decarbonisation, the prospects for the Green Deal in Ukraine, and the vision of the development of Ukraine’s energy sector after the victory.

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100 RE UA

Перейти на 100% відновлюваної енергетики в Україні – можливо!