GREEN ECONOMIC RECOVERY FORUM «Бізнес в нових реаліях: війна, екотрансформація, євроінтеграція»

[:en]Dear Colleagues, we invite you to participate!
What? : GREEN ECONOMIC RECOVERY FORUM “Business in New Realities: War, Eco-Transformation, European Integration”
When? : June 24, 2022
Organizers: National Center for Sustainable Development, Trade Union of Environmentalists of PAEU together with UNIDO (UNIDO / GEF Project “Implementation of the standard of energy management systems in Ukrainian industry”)
Objective: to understand the priority steps that Ukraine is obliged to take in the field of environment, given the movement towards the EU, why despite the tragic challenges of today, it is important now (especially now) to shift emphasis on preventive measures that focus on production processes.
General Partner: Project “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Implementation of the EU Directive on Energy Efficiency in Ukraine”, implemented by GIZ on behalf of the Government of Germany
Registration: https://cutt.ly/AHwxgWt[:]
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