«Зонування виробництва біометану і оцінка можливості та умов підключення виробників біометану до систем передачі та розподілу газу в Україні»

[:en]On December 20, the Third Meeting of the Working Group within the REGATRACE Project and the EBRD Project “Zoning Biomethane Production and Assessing the Possibility and Conditions of Connecting Biomethane Producers to Gas Transmission and Distribution Systems in Ukraine” was held within the REGATRACE projects Renewable Gas Trade in Europe) of the Horizon 2020 program and the EBRD project “Zoning of biomethane production and assessment of the possibility and conditions of connecting biomethane producers to gas transmission and distribution systems in Ukraine». The event was organized by the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, our platform Global 100% RE Ukraine and MIM Business School.
Oleksandr Dombrovskyi, Chairman of the Board of our platform, made an introductory speech. In his speech, he noted that the development of the biomethane market is a strategic task for Ukraine, because it can be an alternative to imported natural gas. This, in turn, saves budget funds and minimizes dependence on external energy resources, which ensures the country’s energy independence.According to Mr. Dombrovskyi, renewable gas can and will be produced in Ukraine. At the end of his speech, he expressed hope that the new year, 2022, will be productive on the “green”, in particular, biomethane projects.
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