Applications for participation in the energy efficiency program “70/30” have been launched in Kyiv


From October 16 to December 22 this year, the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) will accept applications for participation in the city’s 70/30 energy efficiency project competition program for 2024. The program allows residents of residential buildings with condominiums and housing cooperatives to implement energy efficiency measures to reduce the cost of utilities.

The list of works that can be performed in the building includes

– major repairs, reconstruction, modernization, technical re-equipment, installation of a new individual heating point or points;
– major repairs and insulation of the facade;
– major repairs and thermal insulation of the roof and basement floors;
– major repairs – replacement of windows with energy-saving ones and doors in common areas;
– major repairs, reconstruction, and modernization of in-building engineering networks;
– installation of a heat and/or hot water metering unit;
– major repairs, reconstruction, modernization of electric lighting systems with replacement of lighting devices in common areas with energy-efficient ones and/or installation of motion sensors to regulate lighting in common areas;
– reconstruction or technical re-equipment of power supply and/or heat and/or hot water supply systems using renewable or alternative energy sources;
– major repairs, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of in-building electrical equipment;
– other energy efficiency measures.

Additional questions for consultation can be sent by email:
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