"Global 100 RE Ukraine" is an initiative aimed at the development of renewable energy in Ukraine. This organization works to accelerate the energy transition in the country and achieve energy independence based on clean and sustainable energy.
The organization works in several directions. First, it promotes the development of renewable energy by financing and supporting solar, wind, hydropower and bioenergy projects. Secondly, "Global 100 RE Ukraine" conducts educational campaigns and informs the public about the advantages of renewable energy and the ways to its implementation. Third, the organization works with government and legislative bodies to develop and implement effective policy and regulatory tools that will promote the development of renewable energy.
Our goal by 2070
Our goal by 2070
Implementation of Ukraine's energy transition to 100% RES
Reduction of the level of energy intensity of Ukraine's GDP to the EU average by 2050.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Ukraine by 80% from the level of 1990 to 2050.
Rejection of coal by 2050.
Abandonment of nuclear energy by 2050.
Transition to 100% RES in electricity and heat production by 2050.
The project employs a team of experienced managers who set the strategy and determine the general directions of development. They are responsible for coordinating the work of all departments and ensuring high quality of the project.
Management Board
Oleksandr Dombrovsky
Chairman of the Management Board
Ruslana Lyzhychko
Member of the Board
Alexander Repkin
Board Member
Alexey Korchmit
Member of the Board
Andrey Konechenkov
Member of the Board
Artem Semenishin
Board Member
Georgii Geletukha
Member of the Board
Ivan Haidutskyi
Executive Director Global 100 RE Ukraine
Supervisory Board
Lyudmyla Tsyganok
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Audit Commission
Alexander Ksenofontov
Chairman of the Audit Committee
Galina Schmidt
Member of Audit Commission
Anna Pastukh
Member of Audit Commission
Expert Council
The competence of the Expert Council includes the preparation of analytical materials, proposals for laws, programs, strategies for the development of the sector of renewable energy sources of Ukraine.
Join us and get one step closer to achieving a green future! "Global 100 RE Ukraine" invites everyone who is outraged by the negative impact of traditional energy on the environment to join the renewable energy movement.