
German-Ukrainian Green Business Dialogue organized by Global 100% Re Ukraine took place in Berlin

On the eve of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 – URC2024, Global 100% Re Ukraine held a preparatory event in Berlin dedicated to renewable energy issues in the context of Ukraine’s recovery, the German-Ukrainian Green Business Dialogue. The goal of the event is to bring together German and Ukrainian renewable energy companies and policy makers […]

Wind generation in the world will increase 9 times by 2050 compared to 2022

The DNV group has prepared the Energy Transition Outlook 2023. The Ukrainian Wind Energy Association has selected the most interesting. Wind generation in the world will increase from 2,000 TWh in 2022 to 18,300 TWh in 2050. The average annual growth rate will be 8%. This progress may be achieved due to a sevenfold increase […]

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