Презентація офісу МХП Еко Енерджи

Through RES to cooperation: Global 100% RE Ukraine held a meeting and showed a laboratory of “green” innovations

Press Releases

On Friday, October 18, the board of Global 100% RE Ukraine held a meeting. It was not a simple meeting, but one with a demonstration component.

The meeting was held in the new office of MHP Eco Energy. In addition to the members of the Board, Supervisory and Audit Boards, it was joined by the head of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine Valeriy Chaly, the head of energy projects of the European Commission in Ukraine Torsten Wollert, and the head of the Association of Small Cities of Ukraine Pavlo Kozyrev.

The meeting started with the unofficial and most spectacular part: Oleksandr Dombrovsky, Chairman of the Board of Global 100% RE Ukraine, President of MHP Eco Energy, gave a tour of the company’s new office and Green Innovation Lab. It is here that the research part of the BIOMETHAVERSE project is carried out, and in which MHP Eco Energy participates together with the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine.

In fact, both the office and the laboratory are the embodiment of the approaches declared by the participants of Global 100% RE Ukraine. There is really everything you need to work here. The complex has its own energy storage system with the ability to connect alternative sources such as wind and solar. In addition to research on bioenergy – biomethane production – they are also looking for solutions to environmental problems: primarily the efficient use of waste, soil restoration, food security, and even water purification.

презентація лабораторії МХП Еко енерджи

“The task we are solving in parallel with food security is like recycling water back: purifying it and making the most of it for the second, third, fourth time… Without chemicals, without special means that are widely used today, but by building such biological chains, when one technology goes into the second, the second into the third, and the third into the fourth… We are trying to build a natural balance,” explained Oleksandr Dombrovsky during the presentation of the laboratory.

Then there was the official part, during which plans for the end of 2024 and the beginning of the next year were discussed, as well as cooperation with European institutions and between different players – business, associations, communities, etc.

“The Ukrainian Association of Small Cities presented its platform “Supermarket of Solutions for Communities” to the audience. According to Pavlo Kozyrev, head of the Association, the residents of the Supermarket are city hall employees, so the platform allows businesses to communicate with municipalities on a regular basis, and communities to find solutions for their needs from the existing offers.

Of course, it was impossible to ignore the situation in the country’s energy sector. Therefore, the meeting focused on what each of them could offer to others – entrepreneurs, condominiums, households, and urban communities – within the limits of their experience and capabilities.

All those present agreed that the enemy will not leave Ukraine alone, and that the winter ahead will be extremely difficult. There is little time left to prepare – about a month. This applies not only to businesses but also to ordinary citizens. Therefore, we need to focus on urgent decisions here and now. First of all, it was not even about “generating energy” but “accumulating and preserving it” so that in case of a blackout, we would have time to “maneuver”.

Голова УВЕА Андрій Конеченков


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