“Green” day in the Cabinet of Ministers: the government adopted several important decisions for distributed generation
13.08.2024On Tuesday, August 13, the Cabinet of Ministers approved several decisions aimed at developing renewable energy and distributed generation.
Firstly, the National Renewable Energy Action Plan for the period up to 2030 and the action plan for its implementation were approved.
In total, the share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in 2030 will be 27%:
- in heating and cooling systems – 33%;
- in electricity generation – 29%;
- in the transportation sector – 17%.
Secondly, an additional annual quota for producers of electricity from alternative sources for 2024 was established and a schedule for pilot auctions for its distribution was approved.
The additional quota is set at 110 MW:
- 11 MW for SPPs;
- for wind farms – 88 MW;
- for other types of alternative energy sources – 11 MW.
The auctions are to be held in October-November this year. It is planned that the first electricity facilities commissioned as a result of these auctions will start supplying electricity to the grid in 2025.
For solar and wind power plants, the maximum price offer is 9 euro cents/kWh. For other types of alternative energy sources – 12 euro cents/kWh. However, for hydropower generation, this price offer applies only to micro, mini and small hydropower plants. It does not apply to energy from blast furnace and coke oven gases.
In addition, the government has approved the terms of the tender for the construction of generating capacities and the implementation of demand management measures.
Зокрема передбачається проведення конкурсів для будівництва об’єктів, потужність кожного з яких становить 5 МВт – 80 МВт. Загальна потужність конкурсу 700 МВт. Ввести в експлуатацію ці об’єкти мають до кінця 2027 року.
In particular, it is planned to hold tenders for the construction of facilities with a capacity of 5 MW to 80 MW each. The total capacity of the tender is 700 MW. These facilities are to be commissioned by the end of 2027.
The maximum purchase price for 1 MW is EUR 854,977.5.
The term of the agreement with NPC Ukrenergo to ensure the development of generating capacity is more than 10 years.
The following requirements are imposed on the generation facility itself: more than 20 years or 100 thousand hours of guaranteed design operation, 8 hours of guaranteed continuous operation, and full activation from a stopped state in 15 minutes.
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers published the text of the Distributed Generation Development Strategy until 2035 and the operational plan for its implementation in 2024-2026. Among other things, it contains an approved list of types of distributed generation facilities.
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