Ukrainian Wind Energy Association

The Ukrainian Wind Energy Association (UWEA) is an all-Ukrainian non-governmental, non-profit organisation that aims to promote wind energy technologies and protect the interests of the wind energy sector at the national and international levels.
UWEA brings together wind energy project developers, wind energy equipment manufacturers and suppliers, energy and construction companies, scientists and researchers, lawyers, NGOs, consumers and all others involved in the wind energy sector, one of the fastest growing sectors of the global energy industry.
The Ukrainian Wind Energy Association cooperates with various national, regional and local authorities, promotes the exchange of information and experience among all participants in the country’s energy sector.
The UWEA is a reliable, effective advocate for the interests of the national wind energy industry and continues to develop and improve together with the industry.
The Association is a member of the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).
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