The UWEA, together with specialized organizations, calls for changing the draft law №12283
14.03.2025Specialized renewable energy associations, including the UWEA, appealed to the Chairman of the Committee on State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, as well as the Vice Prime Minister for Reconstruction of Ukraine – Minister of Community and Territorial Development of Ukraine, with a request to chnage the text of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Extension of the Validity of Territorial Planning Documents” No. 12283, which is currently being considered by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
As explained by the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association, until December 31, 2024, Ukraine had a mechanism for changing the designated purpose of land plots in accordance with comprehensive plans for the spatial development of communities or master plans. Starting from January 1, 2025, the change of land designation is possible only if detailed territory plans are developed in sync with the planning schemes of districts and regions.
However, most territorial communities have not developed comprehensive spatial development plans, as this requires significant time and funding. In addition, rayon and oblast planning schemes are also missing or not updated, and their development requires even more resources.
Thus, it is currently impossible to change the designated purpose of land plots, which, in turn, jeopardizes the development of new RES projects.
The Draft Law was submitted for the second reading with provisions that allow for the change of the designated purpose of land plots on the basis of detailed territory plans. But only if these plans are developed on the basis of district or regional planning schemes.
In practice, the absence of such schemes makes it impossible to implement this provision, as territorial communities do not have the resources to develop them. New RES projects will be blocked, as it is impossible to change the designated purpose of land without approved planning schemes. This creates artificial legal uncertainty and hinders investment in new energy facilities.
Therefore, specialized associations are calling for amendments to some provisions of the draft law to allow the development of detailed territory plans taking into account planning schemes (if any), and not necessarily on their basis.
This will unblock the possibility of changing the designated purpose of land plots and launching new renewable energy projects and will allow the construction of 4-6 GW of new “green” capacity in the next 3 years. Thus, it will support Ukraine’s energy security and reduce dependence on imported energy.
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