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Bioenergy Association of Ukraine will participate in Innovate Ukraine program


The UABIO project “Development of a business model for biomethane production in Ukraine” won the Innovate Ukraine competition – Supporting Ukraine’s Energy Recovery.

The project will be implemented within two years by a consortium of companies from Ukraine and the UK: Marriott Davies Yapp LLP (UK), Rika Biofuel Developments LTD (UK), Regenerative Agriculture (Ukraine), SEC Biomass (Ukraine) and the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine.

For more details and the presentation, please follow the link.

About the project “Development of a business model for biomethane production in Ukraine”

Ukraine has an untapped biomethane production potential of more than 20 billion cubic meters per year.

The main goal of the project is to create a scalable business model for biomethane production. The sector is at a low stage of development.

Main project goals:

  • Assessment of the biomethane production potential in Ukraine based on available and potential feedstocks and development of a detailed map of areas suitable for biomethane production.
  • Development of a business concept for advanced biomethane production (12 biomethane project feasibility studies).
  • Bringing the most promising projects to the stage of readiness for financing (4 projects).
  • Developing conditions for the export of biomethane from Ukraine to the EU countries.
  • Creation of preconditions for the use of biomethane in the transport sector of Ukraine (bio-CNG and bio-LNG).

These projects will serve as prototypes for a scalable business model aimed at rapidly growing biomethane production in Ukraine. It is envisaged to develop a comprehensive strategy for the development of the sector that will meet the energy needs of Ukraine and the EU, based on technological innovation, economic viability, and environmental sustainability.

Decentralized biomethane plants with an annual production of up to 5-10 million cubic meters of biomethane each will strengthen Ukraine’s energy sustainability. In the long term, they form the foundation for a cleaner and more sustainable energy sector.

About Innovate Ukraine

Innovate Ukraine is funded by UK International Development and organized by the British Embassy in Kyiv.

As a result of this competition, 13 innovative green energy projects in Ukraine were selected to be supported by the UK with an investment of £16 million. The projects will be implemented over two years.

The program involves cooperation between more than 50 British and Ukrainian organizations and will attract an additional £5 million from the private sector.

On May 2, the Innovate Ukraine program was officially launched with the announcement of the winning projects with the participation of Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who personally arrived in Kyiv, and Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko.

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