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Analysis of barriers to energy production from agrobiomass in Ukraine, 2019


Analysis of barriers to the production of energy from agribiomass in Ukraine, Geletukha G.G., Zheliezna T.A., Drahniev S.V. – Position Paper No. 21 of Bioenergy Association of Ukraine.

Position Paper No. 21 of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine presents the analysis of existing barriers to the use of agribiomass for energy, and suggests some possible ways to overcome them. Topicality of the subject is explained by the fact that, first, Ukraine has a large potential of agricultural residues and by-products. Second, without the use of this kind of biomass for the production of fuel and energy, it is impossible to achieve the bioenergy goals set by the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2035. The suggested recommendations for overcoming the barriers take into account available best practices of the EU countries and the USA.

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